Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas Vacation

Well, tomorrow it's time to go back to school and begin the next semester. I sure enjoyed my time off. I got to spend two weeks with my mom, which is always a treasure. I could have used one more week, but I am grateful for the two weeks I had. I'm glad I wasn't in my hometown because while I was gone we had a huge ice storm here and people were home bound for several days. As I drove in today lots of trees were damaged because of the heavy ice and there is still ice on my porch. It was a bit treacherous getting in but we did.

One of my favorite things we did was go to the Dallas Arboretum. They had a spectacular exhibit on during the holidays called the Twelve Days of Christmas. Each day had it's own dome like structure with a depiction of that day. So beautiful. The only thing was that it was cold. We decided that if we did it again next year we would wait and go on a warm day. Dallas is about 90 miles from my mom's house so a day trip.

Pictures from the Arboretum:

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