Thursday, June 11, 2015

Last Day of School

The last day of school was Friday, May 29th. We had a great day. We watched a movie, played bingo, had a picnic in the room and cleaned up our room. We had graduation the day before and some of my kids did not make in on the last day. That always makes me sad that I can't say goodbye to them. I also found out that I am moving schools next year so we cleaned our room really hard!

I will miss these kids, this was a great year and I had great parents and sweet little ones.

We had a work day on Saturday, but as soon as you had it all together you could check out. I went ahead and did it as soon as I could because I was leaving for the mountains for the summer.

Next year I will be moving to one of our districts magnet schools that specializes in math and science. It should be interesting.

I do have to say we were all ready for the summer to start!

I made these cute little gifts to give to them on the last day of school. I found the idea on pinterest and bought packs of chalk at the Dollar Tree. Then I just made the labels on my computer and ran them through my sticker maker and stuck them on the package. Cute and cheap!

On to the summer!!!

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