Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Summer is almost over!

So sad, that summer is coming to an end. I have about 5 more days here and then head back to hot Texas on Monday the 3rd and start Professional Development on the 4th. I have had a great summer here in the mountains and I spent three of those weeks dog sitting for Lucy, while my mom was in Europe. I have mixed emotions of going back home, I'm sad to be leaving and that my lazy and rainy summer days are coming to an end, but excited to go back to a new school and room!
Summer Pictures

 Our home in New Mexico Mountains has to have had both decks replaced this year. It took almost the whole month of July to get just one done, but it was the harder one to do. Once it was done, Lucy enjoyed going out to "inspect" it to see if it was up to standard!
 Loved the rainy days in Ruidoso...was on my way to El Paso to pick up my mom and this storm came up
 great days for naps
 or watching the birds or workers outside
 Decks coming down and being reconstructed
 Cool Mornings
 A storm made the light at this intersection in Ruidoso come down. It was quite a funny thing to watch them try and get it back up!
 Spent July 4th at the races
 More inspections going on
 Was bored in El's flight was two hours late coming in so I took this picture of this bird. I thought it was a pretty color bird!
 Made Cinnamon rolls one morning
 Deer across the street from the house. We were on our walk and she watched Lucy and I all the way around the street!
 Loved rolling in the high grass during our walks.
 Drinking pictures...LOL
 My mom and Annie getting ready to leave for Europe in Dallas. They were gone for almost four weeks...quite a long time!
 I had a fall outside the house one morning around the 4th of July. This hand caught the side of me going down and didn't fair too good. Thankfully I wasn't hurt bad, just sore.
 This little guy was in the back eating leaves off our trees.
 Girls at sidewalk cafĂ© in Paris. Not part of my summer, but had to include my cuties in this post.
When I took mom to EL Paso to catch her flight to Dallas and then on to Greece, I had to stop at Krispy Kreme, I so wish we had one in Midland!
Well, there's my summer, now back to hot Texas and a new adventure!

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