Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Room Set Up

We have officially been back in school a week today. The kids are just like typical kinders at the first of the year. Lots of teaching about routines, procedures, voice levels, etc. Lots of retraining.

I am thankful that I got a foster grandparent this week in my room. She helps me sort of like an aide. It's nice to have four eyes in the room instead of just two! She catches a lot of stuff.

Here are some pictures of my room after I got it set up for Meet the Teacher night!

 My nice new big room. Never had so much storage before!
 Nice big sink area with lots of cabinets!
 Smart board and white boards with my calendar
 Back of the room with the doors that go out to the porch. Can't go out yet because of construction.

 Word Wall

 My huge big closet. Never had so much room. Lots of storage and stuff in there. It's already full!

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