Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Eric Carle Week

Wrapping up the year with a two week Eric Carle Unit is always the funnest thing! I love Eric Carle and found some cute activities to go with his books. This was the second to the last week of school. The last week was crazy with field day, award assemblies, school wide talent show and more! Stay tuned for possibly some summer pics....
The Grouchy Ladybug - the beginning, middle and end of the story attached to their own ladybug they made.

 Rooster Off to See the World-They wrote where they would like to visit, drew things in the suitcase they should take and then wrote those items under the suitcase.

 A House for Hermit Crab-they put the months in order and drew a picture to go with each month and then made the crab.

 The Very Hungry Caterpillar-they sequence the days and the things he ate on those days and the wrote about the story and attached to a caterpillar. We used old scrapbook paper I had to make the caterpillar.

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