Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wants for this year

Each year I have taught I compiled a wish list. When I taught at Head Start I would do this and give it to the director. Sometimes I would get what I wanted and sometimes not! Now that I have moved schools I still compile a wish list, but know I have to pay for it! Ebay is great for looking for stuff! I've already gotten some things but I always want more! Here are some things I want for this year!

 I love these scissor caddies, scissors seem to get lost and misplaced a lot in my room. This is a great way to keep them organized. These are pretty expensive though, so I bought wire baskets to put them in this year!
 These crayon/maker caddies are awesome. I had some at Head Start and loved them. I'm going to try individual crayon containers to start the year. Maybe that will cut down on fights!
 I heard this book read at a training and it is so CUTE. The book is out of print so it's been hard to try and find one. I'm still looking though!!!
A listening center. I really want a listening center to put in my center rotations! I haven't found an inexpensive one so far though!!
This rolling cart looks so great! I was ready to buy it and then they put in on back order until the end of October. I'll see maybe if I want to get it then.
Center Chart. Gonna try this type of chart this year. Last year I had a whole bulletin board for my centers, but since I'm moving rooms I'm not sure the space I will have is adequate for a big chart.
A storage stacking bin. I just like how this looks and looks good for storage.
Hopefully I can get some of these things this year!!!

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